Amasijos: A Legacy To Strengthen Cultural Identity From The Evaluation And Dissemination Of The Gastronomic Heritage Of The Firavitoba Boyacá Municipality

Fabio Alexander Rivera García, William Orlando Álvarez Araque


The cultural identity of a community is rooted in its traditions, including folklore, arts, and religious and culinary traditions, among others. However, as time goes by, and due to the emergence of new cultural models, these have been re-signified. Particularly modern life proposes new ways of eating, which increases the likelihood of the disappearance of culinary knowledge such as the craft of the "amasijos". From this perspective, the purpose of this study was to interpret the perceptions of those who know this knowledge in the municipality of Firavitoba, Boyacá - Colombia, and based on this, to formulate guidelines to strengthen their cultural identity, to guarantee the transfer of this knowledge to future generations. This is a qualitative study, oriented from the descriptive method and framed in the ethnographic design, in which the cultural identity seen from the culinary tradition of the amasijos is taken as the unit of analysis. The research shows that the subjects, the unit of study, state that this knowledge has diminished due to different factors, which leads to the establishment of strategies that contribute to strengthening their cultural identity. For this reason, it is concluded that it is necessary to safeguard the inherited legacy so that it does not fade away and run the risk of disappearing with time.


Dumplings, Cultural identity, culinary heritage.

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