Augmented Reality As A Teaching Strategy To Strengthen The Technical Fundamentals Of Volleyball

Hilda Lucia Jiménez Orozco, William Orlando Álvarez Araque, Danilo Yesith Sarmiento Fautoque


Traditionally, physical education has been oriented from the paxis, ignoring the rules and principles that regulate the different sports disciplines. This situation limits athletes’ performance and sometimes does not allow them to give their maximum performance. From this perspective, the results of this study are presented, which had the purpose of resignifying the teaching of Volleyball through the use of two learning environments, one of them framed in the traditional education that integrates the use of books, photocopies and conventional didactic material, focused only on sports performance, and the other one directed from the use of augmented reality as a strategy for the theoretical and conceptual appropriation of the technical fundamentals of Volleyball. The research process was conducted through mixed research, descriptive method and quasi-experimental design. Based on the didactic intervention mediated by ICT applied to 9th-grade students of the experimental group, belonging to the educational institution of Sora, located in the municipality with the same name, in the department of Boyacá - Colombia, it was concluded that the use of ICT and particularly augmented reality contributes to the dynamization of learning, allowing the appropriation of the conceptual foundations of any sports discipline more easily.


Traditional education, Physical education, Pedagogical strategy, Augmented reality, Volleyball.

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