Hyper-Technological Futuristic Vision In Kelley Armstrong’s The Rising And J.K.Rowling’s Harry Potter And Chamber Of Secrets
Literature and science are two different domains which influence each other substantially. Twentieth-century science fiction has its predominant influence on fantasy to create awe and wonder. It enables people to discern the rapid advancements in technology and confront looming crises. Apart from science fiction writers, fantasy writers also predict and provide glimpses of the possible future. In contemporary fantasy novels, scientific experiments play a vital role in providing fantasy atmosphere. Apparently, Kelley Armstrong’s fantasy novel The Rising, tries to portray the hyper-technological futuristic vision that human beings might be genetically modified even before birth through scientific experiments and were monitored and controlled by the Cabals who wish to prepare their employees with supernatural powers to suit to their exigencies. In J.K.Rowling’s Harry Potter and Chamber of Secrets, magic serves as a character which saves time and labour, in that way it is considered technological. Magic is used as a technology through flying cars, wand, augmented reality through diary and as minuscule- the imprints of science that is evident in her Hogwarts saga. This research paper purports to analyze the distinct voices of both Kelley Armstrong and J.K.Rowling and their hyper-technological vision in their novels.
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