Mythology Coherence in Ashwin Sanghi’s The Krishna Key

Dr. M. Sagayasophia, X. Jenitta Christy


In Hindu mythology, Avatar refers to the ten appearances of the God Vishnu. The researcher focuses on the Avatar of animals in different forms like Matsya Avatar, Kurma Avatar, Varaha Avatar and Narsimha saves pious devotees, protect the world from demons and takes human forms like Ram. The transformation of animal avatars shows the importance and values of animals on the earth; even though the value of wild animals has a wrong appearance in the society but in the mythological area, animals always come first to destroy evil things with the help of God and Goddess.


The Krishna Key, Avatar, God Vishnu, Ashwin Sanghi.

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Dimmitt, Cornelia, and J.A.B. V. Buitenen. Classical Hindu Mythology: A Reader in the

Sanskrit Puranas. Motilal Banarsidass, 2015.

Maheshwari, Krishna. “Ideals and Values/Humility and Respect for Everyone.” Hindupedia,

Accessed 4 Aug. 2020.

Sanghi, Ashwin. The Krishna Key. 2012.


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