The pronunciation of English acronyms in Turkish

Emin Yaş


Acronym is a very important word derivation mechanism usually applied to the new names of private or public institutions and they can be used to shorten the names of people, places, or institutions. This linguistic opportunity, which can be found in every language of the world, is quite useful in terms of its easiness and economic use of the languages. It provides the people ease of language use with reducing the length of some nouns and phrases and helping to memorize them. It functions as phonemic and graphemic shortening. In Turkish, there are a great number of domestic acronyms (e.g. ÖSYM, PTT, and TBMM) and English/international ones as well (e.g. BBC, NATO, and NASA). The purpose of this study is to reveal if the Turkish speakers (L1) will prefer the articulation of English acronyms as in English or as in Turkish. A qualitative research method was preferred with using a quantitative data collection tool. 24 sentences, in each one was embedded an acronym, were prepared and given to 24 participants who were newly registered students (at the university). This study shows that these students pronounced nearly all of the acronyms as in English rather than Turkish. This is probably because they deem English more prestigious. The other reason might be that there is no consistency (or willingness) in terms of the utilisation of English acronyms among the public agencies alongside with the mass media and official institutions in Turkey.


acronym; abbreviation; word-formation; grammar; linguistics

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