Journeys Of Discovery: Sexual Exploration In Alice Munro's Short Stories

Manoj C R, Dr. Nataraju. G


This study delves into the thematic oeuvre of sexual exploration in Alice Munro's stories and tries to comprehend how through her characters' sexual experiences she depicts their emotional struggle towards maturity. Through examining the portrayal of sexual initiation, adult sexuality and power/gender dynamics in Munro's stories this paper shows that her representation of sexuality is far from tangential; it forms a critically important part of her narratives. Playboy magazine/SPL The research also probes Munro's treatment of the emotional and psychological cost to her characters, as well as her critique about societal sexuality. In showing this Ellis relationship complicated and obscured, Munro gives a more fully realizes picture of the human relationships at hand — one that both challenges traditional figurations (of what we expect to call familiar) while allowing her work on selfhoods equanimity theories expand in tandem with larger scope meanings for reading/making up oneself.


Alice Munro, Sexual Exploration, Personal Growth, Self-Discovery, Gender Dynamics, Power Imbalance, Marriage and Sexuality, Emotional and Psychological Impact.

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