Teaching English Through Code-Switching: A Study Of Teacher Strategies And Motivations For Successful Class Room Interaction

Dr. Venkanna. K


This research aims to examine the perspectives of English language instructors about the use of code-switching in the classroom. This research investigates the purposes of code-switching instructors use in an English as a Second language (ESL) setting. Additionally, the study examines how teachers modify their code-switching techniques in response to the competency levels of their students. Researcher conducted semi-structured interviews with 30 English as a Second Language (ESL) instructors in India to collect data on English language instructors' perspectives on using credentials and experience levels. The data analysis identified five prevalent functions via which instructors used code-switching in English as a Second Language (ESL) classrooms. The research indicated that instructors mostly used code-switching to prevent misunderstandings during interactions with pupils. Furthermore, educators had a greater propensity to use code flipping when interacting with students with limited language skills. The primary determinants of instructors' code-switching in these instances where the English competence of the learners and the need to prevent misinterpretations. On the other hand, while working with advanced learners, instructors mostly used code-switching to establish a good relationship. This research explores the underlying motives for code-switching, a phenomenon that has been neglected in English as a Second Language (ESL).


Code-Switching; English Language Classes; learners’ Proficiency; Teacher-Student Interaction.

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