Migratory Reality In The San José De Cúcuta Border Zone

Erika Tatiana Ayala, Luz Karime Coronel, Raúl Prada Núñez


This research corresponds to an analysis of the current reality of the territory of the Colombian-Venezuelan border of San José de Cúcuta, based on the characterization of migrants who have arrived and settled in the northwestern sector, informal settlement La Fortaleza Comuna No. 8 in the peripheral area of the city, from where an international Venezuelan human mobility was evidenced, which took greater strength in 2015, after the breakdown of relations between the Colombian and Venezuelan State, aggravating the humanitarian crisis, security and stability of the border territory. The methodological framework corresponded to a positivist approach, which allowed the characterization of the population concerning their social and economic environment, as well as the socio-demographic characteristics of the household, access to health services, education, labor and occupational skills, financial inclusion, housing and household characteristics and aspects of migration. As findings and conclusions, it is highlighted that the migratory phenomenon has generated an informal appropriation of the territory in San José de Cúcuta with greater emphasis on the expansion land located in the northwestern side of the city -sector La Fortaleza. This generated a fragmentation of the urban space and spatial isolation that resulted in the disintegration of the social fabric, which in the case of the border city is evidenced by residential segregation, deterioration and difficulties in mobility, problems of access to services and reduced access to opportunities.


Population Characterization, Border, Migration, Human Mobility, Territory, Territory.

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