Academic Self-Efficacy and Prospective ELT Teachers’ Achievement

Arif Sarıçoban, Bahram Mohammadi Behjoo


This study aims to scrutinize the possible relationship between academic self-efficacy beliefs and foreign language achievement among prospective ELT teachers. To do so, the data for the study were collected through a questionnaire, College Academic Self-Efficacy Scale adapted from Owen & Froman (1988), consisting of 33 items measuring male and female ELT students’ Academic Self-Efficacy Beliefs as a whole. The scale is a 5-point Likert scale ranging from ‘very little’ (1) ‘quite a lot’ (5). The reliability was found r= .827. In this study it has been observed that there is statistically a significant relationship between academic self-efficacy beliefs and prospective ELT teachers’ achievement among male and female groups.

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