Elva Katherine Aguilar Morocho, Maritza Gisella Paula Chica, Kelly Deysi Hernández Mite, Karla Natalia Rivadeneira Arias, Silvia Margoth López Arias


The training processes that are developed by the Educational Units represent one of the key tools of an institution that ensures adequate growth and development of its students, since in the not-too-distant future they will be weaving between their hands the responsibility of building and defining the course of our country. For this reason, the classes that are taught in the classroom must be totally practical and understandable for the students, the problem of this research is the exhaustion and fatigue that students present when receiving their theoretical classes in the classroom, therefore, our objective The main is to promote the practice of Physical Activity within the classroom for a short time, and in turn contribute to the decrease of physical or emotional fatigue that students suffer within their classes, our population is 132 teachers who They will be trained to be able to apply a manual of physical activities in the classroom, especially in the hours when students present greater physical exhaustion and fatigue, this manual of physical activities will help students to face the challenges that daily life offers, develop values and norms of coexistence, generate personal acceptance and satisfaction, promoting their development biological, psychological and social, as well as the reinforcement of habits, skills and motor skills.


Manual, physical condition, physical exercises, physical education, Teachers.

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