Axiosphere of modern literature: Reflection of the complexity of intercultural communication in a literary text

Oleksandr Polishchuk, Olena Polishchuk, Liudmyla Pavlishena, Svitlana Piroshenko, Galyna Buchkivska


Today there is a tendency to integrate cultures. By entering into dialogue, national cultures discover new facets. Reading a foreign artwork can be compared to the process of intercultural communication, as an author and a reader are representatives of different cultures. Features of culturally conditioned cognitive processes and stereotypes determine both the process of creation and the process of text interpretation. Artistic texts play an important role in the process of intercultural communication, as they are directly related to culture because they store information about the history, national psychology, national behavior, i.e. about all components of culture. The relevance of scientific and methodological research of the value potential of literary education is due to a set of contradictions. The aim of the article was to investigate the reflection of intercultural communication on the example of foreign fiction through the prism of the axiological aspect. The work is based on the methodology of comparative literature because this method studies international literary relations and relations, similarities and differences between literary and artistic phenomena in different countries. The author's intercultural communication through artwork and found that it has a number of features compared to real communication. The authors concluded that the main reason for misunderstanding in intercultural communication is not the difference of languages, but the difference of national consciousness of communicators, and the dialogue of cultures is not so much communication of different minds as communication of images of different cultures within one consciousness.

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