Camus and Dostoevsky: The perception of Dostoevsky by French existentialist

Anastassia D. Petrova


The influence of Dostoevsky on European and, in particular, French culture has a long history. The plot, Camus and Dostoevsky, attracted the attention of researchers, although there are not so many separate works devoted to this topic. The novelty of this work is in comparison to the different masterpieces of the authors and Dostoevsky’s influence upon Camus’ style. The aim of the article is to find out the reception of Dostoevsky and its reflection in A. Camus’ works. Fedor Mikhailovich made a big impact on French existentialism. This influence, its results and connections, and parallels in the ideas of F.M. Dostoevsky and A. Camus are the subject and object of this study. This study contributes to a better and more comprehensive understanding of the philosophy of Dostoevsky and Camus. Works of Dostoevsky, F.M. are actual till nowadays. He saw and predicted many crises and shocks, the development in people and society of various kinds of ideological diseases that are possible to be observed in the modern world. A surge of interest to Dostoevsky is observed during periods of a global cataclysm, such as world wars, revolutions, and growing terrorism.

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