The Effect of the Drama-Based German Foreign Language Course Application on Motivation and Flow Experience

Bahar Ä°siguzel


The investigation of feelings, attitudes, and perceptions with regard to learning a foreign language takes an essential place for learning quality and success. In addition to traditional methods of learning a foreign language, the tendency towards more interactive and student-centered methods such as drama affects the teaching process positively. This study aims to examine the effect of the drama-based German foreign language course application on motivation and flow experience. The study was carried out with drama-based activities for 12 weeks in the “Drama in German Teaching†course at the Department of German Teaching of a state university in Turkey  in the fall semester of the 2019 - 2020 academic year.  The study was conducted with fourteen 2nd-grade students who took this course. The data were collected using the “Motivation Scale for Learning German†and the “Flow Experience Scale-Short Form†as pretest and posttest. Upon examining the average scores obtained from the scales, significant differences were determined in terms of motivation and flow experience in the drama-based German foreign language course. Accordingly, it was found that students experienced positive emotions against the drama-based German foreign language course and achieved high motivation and also had flow experience.


German; drama; flow experience; motivation; foreign language.

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